Support Params

Support Param allows you to change your supports parameters.

Support Density

This parameter allows you to change your support structure density.

20% Support Density
80% Support Density

Support Expand Area

Allows the support to go outside of the object. This is useful to support very thin surfaces (like islands for example).

Support with 4mm expand
Same support with 0mm expand

Support Sheath

This is a parameter to increase the surface area of each support (in order to merge closely spaced supports, for example).

Sheath at 5mm
Sheath at 0mm

Enclosed support

it adds a wall all around the supports to strengthen them.

Supports enclosed
Support not enclosed

Side gap

Adds a gap between the supports and the main model to avoid surface alteration upon removal of the supports once print is finished.

Side gap at 0: Support are fused with the model
Side gap at >1mm: Enough gap is left between object and support to be fine

Top gap

Top Gap is the number of layer of air/non-printed layer between supports and the object.

Top gap at 0: Supports and object are touching each other this will result in unremovable supports
Top gap at >1 layer: Support and object have one or multiple layers of air between them. The support will be easily removable.

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