GREAT NEWS!!! The Bambulab X1, P1S, P1P, A1, and A1 Mini are now available but are still in BETA.
Why Beta? This means the integration is not yet complete, and some parts of the development are still in progress. However, due to the high demand for these machines, we wanted to give you the opportunity to print with Lychee on your printers as soon as possible.
What you will find in the BETA mode:
- The ability to slice and print 3D models
- Implementation of flow and pressure, advance (PA) calibrations, with the option to skip them if calibration has already been done with the same filament
- First layer scanning for printers equipped with lidar
This BETA mode does not yet include:
- Exporting the slice as .3mf (it will be a .gcode instead)
- Certain features are still missing:
- Print thumbnail on the machine’s screen
- Display of print time
- Ability to choose which spool to use at the start of the print for AMS users (the spool in the first slot will be used)
- No wifi integration (connecting to the printer/sending to printer).

Bambulab printers now available in Beta in the printer import menu

No thumbnail, print time and filament estimation

No filament selection for the printer with AMS

The main actions before launching the print are shown above

The first layer scanning system is working
Last updated on
Tags: CPU, Export, Fast Slicing, Free, Optimization, Premium, Pro, Resin, Slicing, Speed